Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Concessions 2020

I hope that Trump pushes for equal concessions by Democrats, requiring any representatives, before they can serve in public office, to acknowledge and accept full legal and financial responsibility for CORRECTING all wrongful abuses and reimbursing taxpayers for all violations committed against the public as Party, including:

(1) "Discrimination by Creed" by unlawfully establishing Statist beliefs in mandated health care through federal government which have violated Constitutional principles, process and beliefs in protecting individual liberty from being deprived without due process, and thus preventing involuntary servitude by taxation without representation;

(2) "Discrimination by Class" by misrepresentation, defamation, and slander against opposition by misportrayal in public media of "guilt by association" based on racial, political or financial class, without due process to prove responsibility for such allegations stated as fact;

(3) conspiracy to violate civil rights and commit misrepresentation and fraud by soliciting donations and votes based on false premises and advertising promises that health care mandates are the legal responsibility of federal government, without full knowledge, disclosure or informed consent by supporters that establishing such political beliefs through federal government unlawfully infringes on Constitutional beliefs in rights reserved to people and states, which require a Constitutional Convention and Amendment to represent the consent of taxpayers and states affected, and that seeking to "punish taxpayers" on the basis of wealth and creed violates liberties without due process protections while slandering and discriminating against such persons as a collective class;

(4) wasting $40 million on unsubstantiated impeachment proceedings, to be refunded to the public as partisan advertising paid back to taxpayers with campaign donations, and applying those credits to costs of assessing abuses and corrections for which Democrats are responsible, especially Biden and Clinton, in order to settle complaints of obstructing justice, denying due process, and abusing government agencies to cover wrongdoing by party while politically targeting opponents;

(5) reimbursing over $24 billion in cost to taxpayers for the federal shutdown -- after Obama, Pelosi and other Democrats abused govt to impose unconstitutional ACA mandates, along with refunding billions in corporate insurance payouts that should be credited back to taxpayers and invested in Constitutional solutions to health care. These corrections can be implemented by party leaders and candidates to pay restitution for abuses by creating jobs and internships in converting prisons into teaching hospitals and treatment centers, where billions saved over time can pay back credits owed to taxpayers for debts and damages; managing nonprofit cooperatives and medical associations that protect political creeds and beliefs in both prochoice and prolife policies from infringement, as well as respecting individual rights per district to manage their own medical provisions and response to COVID democratically; and facilitating mediation and representation by party through electoral college districts and county precincts to assess and correct wrongs committed by party abuse of government, and to oversee credits and reimbursement.

What concessions would you demand of Democrats if Trump is going to concede?

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Concessions 2020 I hope...